Summary Writing on Air Pollution | SSC | HSC

Write down the summary of the following passage. Give a suitable title to it.

Air is an important element in our environment. Clean air is essential for life. But air can be polluted in many ways. One thing that pollutes air is smoke. By inhaling polluted air we become sick. Man makes fire to cook food. We use fire to make bricks and to burn refuse. In order to melt pitch for road construction we make fire. By burning wood and melting pitch people create more smoke. Railway engines and power houses use coal and oil. Coal and oil create smoke when they burn. Mills and factories use not only coal and oil but also many chemicals. Buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel. Their engines burn these things to make energy. All kinds of smoke pollute the air. But the most serious air pollution occurs most often in big industrial areas where there are many mills and factories. By preventing air pollution we can be healthier and happier.


Air Pollution 

Air is an important element in our life. But air can be polluted in various ways. The main cause of air pollution is smoke. By inhaling polluted air we become sick. We should take steps to prevent air pollution so that we can be healthier and happier.

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